samedi 8 octobre 2016

Daihigan-ji Temple

Daihigan-ji Temple


Musashi-itsukaichi (武蔵五日市駅 -Itsukaichi line)Hirayama Kikasane  invited a monk fromd Daigojisan temple. At the Edo period the temple receive an official red seal (shoin) from the Shogun.

In 1794, the statue of Kannondo is raised and between 1824 and 1827 the path leading to the statue is built with all the statue representing Buddhas, Kannon, Warriors and Demons god.
You can still follow this short path behin the temple and go through the symbolique pilgrim for kannondo. 

If you take your time to look around you will be able to enjoy the numerous painting and wood crafting of the temple.
Don't miss out the little garden in front of the living place attached to the temple and most important, the little garden behind those buildings, at the foot of Kannondo's path.

Those cute japanese gardens with pond and stone sculpture are looked after by the 93 years old man owning the temple.

★ This is quite a big temple, bodering the forest almost not in the city anymore. Even if a bit old (it would probably desserve a bit more of maintainance but I am not sure there is the budget required) , the quiet surrounding gives the temple a calm and mysterious aura and it still looks like a pretty lively place busy with festivals, matsuri, singing performance and No-theatre representations ... you will have to go there on the right moment though.
The people working to maintain the temple are a warm and cheerful team of smiling grannys and grandpas ! If you are lucky, you could easily get to exchange a few words (in japanese) with them !

★ 8/10

main court

main court 2

paintings and wood work

Some of the statues along the path

Pond in the garden behind the living area
Small moss garden

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